Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm an attention whore. No really, I am. This poor poor guy has to deal with his own awkward, social issues, school, family and ME on top of it all? *Sigh* So sometimes, I feel bad and give him a break.

Unfortunately, when you're dating an Aspie there are times when they do not even seem to notice. Its like, hello do you not see how nice I've been to you lately? How I've been trying not to bombard you with information and just be calm and understanding? Its like no matter what you as the NT does, your AS sometimes just doesn't seem notice the difference.

I wonder if other NT spouses ever feel this way...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes they do...Its a familiar struggle to me. I try very hard to recognize and compliment any effort I see him make. I know my spouse *tries* to notice the things I do...its just the world often revolves around his view point...IDK...its not easy.

    Glad I found your blog. I just started a similar one. Maybe we can support one another on this journey.
